Policy and Outreach Efforts

Our policy and outreach programmes create a platform through conferences, summits and workshops for people to interact and share ideas on the collaborative efforts and the policy imperatives necessary to accelerate the implementation of the Agenda.

Popularisation and Education Efforts

Prospects for achieving the SDGs crucially depend on the extent to which they are known, embraced and owned by the different stakeholders and the citizenry more broadly.

Partnerships and Programmes

As underscored by Goal 17, partnerships is core to the achievement of the SDGs. Indeed, in the absence of a robust partnership among government, the private sector, civil society, the youth among others, the quest to achieve the SDGs will be a pipe dream.

About Us

Supporting the President’s role as Co-Chair of the Eminent Group of Advocates 

The SDGs Advisory Unit was established in August 2017 to provide technical, policy and strategic support to the President in his global role as Co-Chair of the UN Secretary General’s Eminent Group of Advocates. 

The Unit serves as the Secretariat of the High-Level Ministerial Committee on the SDGs established in 2017 to provide leadership and strategic oversight to implementation of the Goals.  

With time, the work of the Unit has been expanded to include other intergovernmental engagements that bear on the SDGs.



What We Do

In carrying out its functions, the Unit focuses on four key streams of work:

As Secretariat of the High-Level Ministerial Committee on the SDGs

With time, the work of the Unit has been expanded to include other intergovernmental engagements that bear on the SDGs. Notably, the Unit also provides technical backstopping to the President in his role as Chairperson of the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS), as well as in the President’s capacity as a member of the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.

UN SDG Goals
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